Free gallery vault
Free gallery vault

free gallery vault

The video player provides very convenient functions to allow you easily adjust the brightness, sound, and one-key mute to help you quickly switch in various situations. You can play hidden videos inside calculator lock. Keep others away from your private photos, videos, movies in safe media files vault. Secret media files will be stored in HideU and will not be shown in any other photo album, gallery or file manager. Your files will be secretly stored in HideU and can only be accessed by entering a digital PIN.Disguised as a secret calculator, HideU is a stunning free video vault, photo gallery lock, audio protector and privacy guard for your personal information and media files. You can use HideU as a private parallel space in your phone. It also provides you with other useful functions, including notes, video player, camera, etc. HideU allows you to hide all types of files, including photos, videos and other items in hidden space with calculator password protection.

Free gallery vault